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Our Success Stories
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“Bob & Jane” Stories are real people that have received Recovery Sponsorships through HOPELinc.org Services.
Realities & Resolutions
Our connection began with a family member calling on 'Bob’s' behalf while he was incarcerated in a county jail, again, followed by phone calls as he shared his needing and wanting to change his life upon release. There were some hard core realities for 'Bob' that needed to be addressed, the drug addictions, mental health conditions, violent criminal background, and physical limitations, that seemed to be more than most recovery centers were professionally equipped to handle. After several months and many counseling calls with 'Bob', followed by meetings with program connections, and a few rejections, Bridges of Hope accepted 'Bob' into their care with resources and skills to help 'Bob' while he did the hard work to a better future. He needed help and HOPE.
Disclaimer : For anonymity, the names and pictures are fictitious

Break the Cycle
This 'Jane' story is typical of some families' struggle with addictions. However, this one is full of HOPE and new lives. 'Jane' is 51 and has several children, now in their twenties. She would participate in using drugs with her kids from early on, she was 15 when she started her life on drugs. The HOPE of this story and this family is amazing. Her daughters have been in recovery for several years now, and 'Jane' is the last one of the family to make the commitment to finally leave that world. It was one of her daughters who called Hopelinc.org seeking financial sponsorship for a Recovery Program after 'Jane' was taken to a five day detox from meth.
Facts are stacked against our youth.
"Bob" is a young man who became an alcoholic and drug addict with major anxiety, burned all connections and bridges with family and was homeless at a very young age. A friend of Bob's called on his behalf after knowing how another friend had benefited from a 'Second Chance' from HOPELinc.org, followed by an emotional call from Bob himself where he talked with David, our Christian Addiction Counselor, about his blacking out from over use, guilt, homelessness, frustrations and feeling he had nowhere to turn.
You see, young Bob's story is all too common; drug use on the underdeveloped brain severely damages the process of synapses, without which the brain has great difficulty processing emotions and decision making. 95% of alcoholics and addicts used before the age of 18. And, teens who use drugs before the age of 15 are 7 times more likely to suffer from addiction. Add family history of genetic addiction, and it makes a deadly combination...
Facts that are stacked against youth! But this Bob is healing and working through anxiety, identifying and pushing through the obstacles that previously caused him to stumble, with faith based recovery and homeopathic therapy with specialists in Good Landing Recovery Facility, a HOPELinc.org Recovery Partner.

Hope is Kindled
At 76 pounds, Jane, a cocaine and heroin addict with severe bi-polar diagnosis, contacted a residential recovery program for long-term help. Jane was in critical medical condition from the abscesses on her arms from years of excessive drug injections. She was immediately taken to a hospital and had emergency surgery on one arm, and returned to the recovery program who helped her through the healing process while addressing her sobriety and recovery.
After another attempt to get her into an inpatient mental facility, she was denied due to the other arm that had abscessed, requiring yet another surgery and after care; her housing and care at the recovery program partner was sponsored by HOPELinc. Jane was wanting and needing to start a new life, but felt hopeless with her multiple complex challenges. The recovery program accepted her back in on a temporary basis, and after healing, was then accepted and taken into a long-term inpatient mental facility for treatment and monitoring of prescribed medication for stabilization where she still remains.
Jane is now safe, stabilized and focusing on both her mental health, sobriety and recovery program for her addictions, and is full of HOPE for a better future. Jane, her mom and daughter all keep in touch on her progress and improvements in her life, and very grateful to those who came to her aid.
Retreating from Society
"Bob" drank off and on throughout his life, sometimes more than usual, but “Bob’s” life didn’t seem to suffer until later. “Bob” worked a great job with a large company for many years and took the opportunity to retire early; that’s when he retreated, isolated himself, and began drinking heavier causing his homelessness. When he called HOPELinc from a hotel room, he admitted he felt “lost, without purpose or direction, didn’t know his self-value or worth, lost social skills, and needed help; his drinking and life were out of control”.
“Bob” quickly went to a local Alcohol Group Meeting and spoke with HOPELinc’s Staff Christian Addiction Counselor/Resource Manager, David, who connected with and sponsored him into Vision Warriors Recovery Center where he was warmly welcomed. While the beginning of his stay in this men’s recovery home was difficult due to his previous self-isolation, with counseling and care he has adjusted and is flourishing in his new community of brothers. He now recieves accountability in his program and growth in his communication, social skills, and spiritual relationship with His Lord and Savior. His smile and gratefulness for providing him a second chance say it all. Another opportunity for another “Bob” from supporters and HOPELinc.org…home of second chances.

Dig Deeper
A young woman, looking tired, desperate and lost, let’s call her “Jane”, walked into The SHOP at CHM telling her story and searching for hope and help. She’s a young widow and mother of a child who’s on the autism spectrum being cared for by his grandparents. But it goes deeper. She suffers from depression, bi-polar disorder and drug addiction that requires more than occasional outpatient monitoring. Wanting to quit using and get healthy and stable to raise her own child, she wants to “dig deeper” and commit to a long-term residential addiction recovery program also addressing her clinical issues. She shared that she continually returned to bad relationships due to her lack of self-worth and addictions, resulting in physical and mental abuse. Her guilt was a burden she carried and was looking for the hope and forgiveness to move forward in her recovery. HOPELinc.org is partnering with a program specializing in these issues, offering this “Jane” the help, healing, and love of a forgiving Savior. Another opportunity for another “Jane” from supporters and HOPELinc.org... home of second chances.
The Dual Diagnosis Dilemma
Like many, this “Bob” was diagnosed with bi-polar disorder earlier in life, stopped taking his prescribed meds, and was self-medicating with drugs and alcohol, starting an addiction in his late teens. Now in his late 20’s, and after an in-patient stay at a Detox medical facility, he reached out for a longer term.
Dual Diagnosis is a complex issue when mental illness meets up with the use of alcohol or illegal drugs, one that presents challenges for the recovery community to address. “Success”, in a case like this, is the replacement of the hopelessness with acceptance of and surrender to his Creator and Our Lord and Savior guided and provided by the professional help in a Christian and professionally staffed program.
HOPELinc.org funded and sponsored “Bob” in First Serenity where he is stabilized, learning steps and tools for his new start, and working at a job while in the program. Another opportunity for another “Bob” from supporters and HOPELinc.org… home of second chances.

Another 'second chance'
After 'Bob's' first seven years of life enduring physical abuse from his parent, he entered foster care at age eight. Then he was removed from many homes due to his anger and inability to cope and was in an orphanage for over two years. He was adopted at age 17, but began using meth, narcotics, and alcohol then couch surfing until age 22 when he entered his first rehabilitation program.
After relapsing, he was living in his car, later without a car on the northwest Florida beaches. After being sponsored by one of Hopelinc.org's connections, he completed and graduated from Jericho House after sixteen months where he was healing from his past and surrendering to His Creator.
He now works full time in carpentry and construction, being sponsored by HOPELinc.org donors and The SHOP proceeds, and living at Vision Warriors After Care where he is using the program and steps he was taught for sobriety, and beginning a new opportunity at life with accountability.
Relapse Happens
Young “Jane” 21, was making great progress in her Intensive Outpatient Program for a year, for drug/alcohol addiction after physical, mental, and sexual traumas from her parents. Later she was fostered and adopted by a caring family. Jane was working FT, consistently participating in meetings and counseling.
She knows the power of Jesus, and connections with her adoptive family were being reconciled. However, she recently relapsed, went through a chaotic episode, and landed in jail where she was offered release to an approved sober living program.
HOPELinc.org was there to assist and sponsor her where she was welcomed into Living Proof Recovery in Duluth. Thank you, to all SHOP patrons and HOPELinc.org donors for helping to provide a new beginning for another “Jane”. We look forward to providing many more new beginnings.